Individual Intuitive Energy Healing Session & Intuitive Energy Healing Session Program
Energy Medicine And Life Transformation Coaching
See Energy Healing
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Energy healing is an energy medicine healing modality used to help identify and release suppressed emotions, which are harmful emotional energies negatively affecting an individual's energetic biofield. These energies often come from negative and traumatic past events that are either suppressed, passed down generationally, and/or absorbed from others.
Suppressed emotions can negatively affect the body from a physical and emotional standpoint.
Suppressed emotions carry energies that exert an influence on the body's physical tissues, causing acute physical discomfort and pain, potential disease, as well as have an impact on an individual's emotional state and well being.
Suppressed emotions may also cause feelings of depression, anxiety, as well as so many other potential emotions that may block a person from love, success, happiness, etc. making them feel disconnected from others, and so many other limitations causing negative impacts on their lives.
That is why releasing suppressed emotions is so important. Releasing suppressed emotions through intuitive energy healing can create the proper facilitation to heal the body, mind, and soul and teach you how to properly manage your emotions in the future.
I am an Energy Healer and Energy Medicine Practitioner and am passionate about helping and healing others. I look forward to helping you along your healing journey so you can overcome past emotional baggage so you can experience what you would like to manifest in your life!
This includes:
1 virtual intuitive energy healing coaching session:
Identify and release suppressed emotions
Overcome past or current trauma and potential road blocks for healing
Alleviation of pain stored within the body from suppressed emotions
Access to the Discover Your Power® Learning Energy Healing Course
Coaching, accountability, support, and empowerment to heal and create the life you want
Typically for energy healing to be most effective and fully clear all suppressed emotions several sessions are recommended
This program requires a 3-month commitment and includes:
6 virtual intuitive energy healing coaching sessions:
Identify and release suppressed emotions
Overcome past or current trauma and potential roadblocks for healing
Alleviation of pain stored within the body from suppressed emotions
Assessment and clearing of any and all suppressed emotions for energy healing
Coaching, accountability, support, and empowerment to heal and create the life you want
Timely support to release suppressed emotions from current or past trauma